CNS Logistics


Lean logistics


We offer you in-depth expertise and experience in implementing the methodology. We are committed to ensuring that your project is cost effective and generates tangible annual savings.Our lean logistics and supply chain methodology uses a range of tools and methods, including:
• Organization development in logistics areas
• SGA Structured Warehouse Management System (WMS) to optimize hierarchy and communication
• Display of indicators and objectives, such as visual management, communication boards and dashboards
• CNS Logistic workshop to improve productivity
• Supply logistics, including milk run, returnable packaging circuits, and service fee and logistics protocols with suppliers
• Warehouse design and inventory reliability, including management of reception areas and dispatch, provisioning to lines, Optimal Stock Required and classification


Let us help you decrease costs, manage risks, and improve efficiency by implementing solutions that deliver long-lasting value. CNS Logistics will work with you from evaluation and strategy to implementation, to help you work smarter and grow faster.

• Sales and Operational Planning
• Supply Chain/Logistics Diagnostic,
Evaluation & Strategy
• Supply Chain & Systems Implementations
• Supply Chain Strategy & Management
• Supply Chain & Logistics Optimization
• Supply Chain Health Checks
• Network Design & Solutions
• Strategic Sourcing and Procurement
• Procurement Services and Tender
• Inventory Management & Optimization
• Freight & Logistics Outsourcing
• Logistics Business Integration
• Storage Solutions and Material Handling
Equipment (MHE) Selection
• Supply Chain/Logistics Software (WMS)
Selection & Implementation
• Supply and Inventory Management
• DC Design & Operations
• Distribution Center & Warehousing Design –
Facility Layout
• Optimization of the Order-to-Delivery process
• Collaboration and Integration with Customers
& Suppliers

Manage and Optimize your Supply Chain
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