Reverse and Aftermarket Logistics
Reverse and Aftermarket Logistics
Reverse logistics is our post-sales support process where we move goods from their typical destination for proper or to capture value.
Recycling/Disposal of Products
CNS Logistics capabilities includes its leading solutions, which can handle the most complicated reverse logistics requirements.
We handle exchanges, customer returns, and disposal of damaged-on-arrival, obsolete, and expired products through environment-friendly, and authorized channels.
CNS Reverse Logistics Services
- Asset Recovery Activities (Pallets, Totes, Bins, Others)
- Inventory Processing (Excess, Seasonal and Returned Due To Damage)
- Shelf-Life Management
- Restocking
- Inventory Control and Traffic
- Salvaging
- Re-Working
- Re-Packing
- Re-Labeling
- Testing
- Recall
- Recycling Programs
- Hazardous Material Programs
- Obsolete Equipment Disposition